Placement test EV@LANG
Quickly and accurately evaluate your level in French or English with Ev@lang, our 100% online self-assessment tool. It provides a thorough diagnosis of your current level which will help us guide you towards a language course best-suited to your needs and objectives.
Please note:
- After buying the test online you will receive an access code by email within 48 hours (2 business days). This is a named acess code which means the person that wants to take the test must buy it through his/her own account.
- If you are thinking on taking French group classes at AFM, Ev@lang will be used in combination with an orientation interview that will be conducted by one of our expert teacher.
- No test is required if you are a complete beginner. In that case register directly for level A1.1 that has been designed for people who have never studied French before and have no knowledge of the French language.
- Ev@lang is NOT a test recognized by the Canadian gouvernment for immigration purposes.
Need a quote for a business or for public service workers? Please contact us at info@afmoncton.ca or (506) 387 5056.
- Affordable - $20 for the whole test: Reading, Listening and Grammar & Vocabulary
- Fast - Ev@lang will assess your level in less than 35 minutes
- Easy to Use - You just need a tablet or computer to complete the test.
- Adaptive - The algorithm analyses in real-time the response pattern of the first set of questions to select the most suitable second set of questions and so on. Thus, the test becomes progressively easier or more difficult by adapting to each different user’s profile.
- Instant result - You will obtain an accurate assessment as soon as the test has been completed
- Accurate - Ev@lang is aligned with the proficiency levels defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It has been design by expert in testing and certification for over 30 years.
Click on the «BUY» button to be redirected to the Alliance française de Moncton online shop.
This test includes 3 modules: oral comprehension, written comprehension and, grammar and vocabulary.
After buying the test, your EV@LANG code will be sent to your email address within 48 hours (2 business days).
Need help? Contact us at (506) 387 5056 or info@afmoncton.ca
Take the test. Click on the «GO» button to log onto the EV@LANG platform. Use your EV@LANG code and fill in your personal information in order to create a profile on the EV@LANG France Education International website.
Please note that the test lasts about 35 minutes and, although it is available on any support, it is better to use a computer
The test is available to anyone from beginner to advanced level. You do not have to be a student or wanting to be a student at AFM to take the test.
Be aware that this is a test with a single access. Once you have completed the test, the licence code expires and you can not retake it. If you want another access you must buy another licence.
Because of the nature of language acquisition and maintenance, test's results are valid for 6 months. Getting an accurate picture of your language skills helps ensure that you are placed in the right level. After 6 months, if you want to register again, the placement test must be retaken.
Click here to check out the tutorial. Please note that you can change the language of the site at the top left of the page.
In order to complete it successfully you must use a tablet or a computer with good Internet connection. For better perfomance use Google Chrome and desactivate ad blockers. Also, make sure you have a headset (or earphones) and you are in a quiet environment.
If you have left the test too soon or you have lost your internet connection, then you can relog and resume the test by asking for a new password. In that case, go back to the Ev@lang platform and follow the steps on the right side of the screen. A new username and password will be sent to your email address.